Should You Sue for a Personal Injury?

Reasons for Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you suffered injury in any type of accident or incident, you may be wondering whether to pursue a personal injury case. Law Firm offers quality legal consultation and representation for clients who believe they were injured due to negligence.

Why initiate a case? Many personal injuries affect not only your physical and financial health, but your emotional health as well. More serious injuries may even affect your life span.  When another person causes injury to you, it is only fair that he or she takes financial responsibility.

With the help of a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, you can recover compensation for medical expenses, missed time at work, lost future income, property damage, and pain and suffering. Resolving a personal injury case may also offer you piece of mind and allow you to resume daily life.

Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help Determine if You Have a Case

When meeting for the first time with one of our personal injury lawyers in Georgia, you will go over the details of your accident and how it caused you harm. Your attorney evaluates the viability of your case based on the following three key questions:

  • Who is at fault for your injury? You should be able to identify the party who caused your injury. In a personal injury lawsuit, you and your attorney need to prove that the party was responsible for causing you harm or that multiple parties were at fault. For example, if you are injured by a consumer product, the party at fault might be the designer, manufacturer, or vendor of the product.
  • What damages did you suffer? In addition to designating responsibility for your accident or injury, you and your attorney must also prove that you suffered significant damages as a result of the negligence. Be prepared to provide as much documentation of your quantifiable losses as possible, such as copies of medical bills, records of lost time at work, and quotes for property repair or replacement costs.
  • What is your commitment to pursuing the claim? An attorney will advise you to pursue a case only if he or she believes you are committed to seeing it through. Personal injury claims require a significant investment of time for those involved, sometimes taking months or even years to settle or reach a trial.

Our Personal Injury Lawyers in Atlanta Handle Cases Throughout Georgia

Personal injuries can diminish the quality of your life. If you have been hurt and need a personal injury lawyer in Atlanta, Decatur, DeKalb County, Stone Mountain, or in any part of Georgia, contact the law firm of Law Firm today to speak with one of our qualified attorneys. Our personal injury lawyers regularly represent clients suffering from negligence-related injuries.